Awards for clients financed by AMCGÎM

News and announcements

May 8, 2024

At the 26th Gala du Défi OSEntreprendre Gaspésie et des Îles-de-la-Madeleine, two companies supported by our organization were honored in the business creation category.

Jessie Arsenault, founder of Solution Comptable & Tech Service, was awarded a bursary in the Business Creation category. The award recognizes her commitment and dynamism. Launched in autumn 2023, her business benefited from the financial support of Accès Microcrédit GÎM for its start-up. This financial support enabled Ms. Arsenault to acquire essential equipment and consolidate her working capital for the first few months of business.

Vanessa Loignon and Augustin Renaud, the two owners of Îlot Café-Buvette inc, were also recognized at the gala for their business start-up efforts. They won the Services to Individuals category, as well as the Prix Coup de cœur Développement durable. Located in the heart of the Magdalen Islands, l’Îlot is a welcoming place where eco-responsibility is a fundamental value. Driven by the energy of its owners, l’Îlot offers a wide range of gastronomic delights, from coffees and sandwiches to salads, pastries, microbrewery beers, natural wines and much more.

About Défi OSEntreprendre

OSEntreprendre’s main activity, the Défi OSEntreprendre, is a major Quebec movement that showcases the entrepreneurial initiatives of some 47,000 people every year: young people from elementary school to university supported by their school counsellors in the School program, new entrepreneurs in the Business Creation program, entrepreneurs with inspiring backgrounds in the Success Inc. program, and local supply models in the Doing Business Together program. The program takes root at local, regional and national levels. To implement the program, more than 300 business leaders are mobilizing in the 17 regions of Quebec to highlight local projects.

Source:  Les lauréats du 26e Défi OSEntreprendre de la Gaspésie et des Îles-de-la-Madeleine sont maintenant dévoilés. April 26, 2024 press release.