Supported entrepreneurs

by Accès Microcrédit Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine

Nebesna Tremblay sert un taco à un client à travers la vitre de son restaurant

Esprit Nature

Nebesna Tremblay | The Magdalen Islands

Esprit Nature’s mission is to bring vitality to the human being, in body and spirit, through the creation of healthy dishes and outdoor activities on Entry Island. Its takeaway dishes are available at Entry Island Marina, Coeur de l’Herboriste and Cindy Hook.

Funding from AMCGÎM helped Nebesna get her business off to a good start.

“It takes a lot of courage to start a business! From an idea germinating in the entrepreneur’s head to its implementation, it’s a creative process that requires many hours of gestation and questioning! It’s a rewarding road, but one that can be fraught with pitfalls and uncertainty. That’s why it’s so important to be well supported as an entrepreneur. Whether it’s in terms of interpersonal relationships, being able to discuss current issues or finances, it’s important to have good partners to support you.

The Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund was there to help me start my business in 2023. It helped me get my business off the ground and propel me to a successful 2nd year. Thank you for being there!”